Monday, February 17, 2020

Business Administration class Strategy Formulation Essay

Business Administration class Strategy Formulation - Essay Example This is because in each stage, certain vital activities are done. In Strategy formulation, certain features of the organization are presented. The features are analyzed both internally and externally. These features include the vision, mission statement, objectives, and tactical objectives of the organization. The process starts by first looking at the mission and objectives which describe the companys business goals as well as measurable financial and strategic objectives. Secondly, an environmental scan is done. This includes an internal analysis of the firm as a whole, and its industry (task environment). An external analysis, also known as the PEST analysis follows (â€Å"Pest Analysis†, 2010). In strategy formulation, the information acquired from the environmental scan is used to match the firm’s strengths to its opportunities while addressing its weaknesses and external threats. In strategy implementation, programs, budgets, and procedures are used as means of implementation and this makes it important for success to be guaranteed. In the final stage which is evaluation and control, parameters to be measured are defined. The next step involves defining targets for the measured parameters, performing the measurements, and finally, comparing the measured results to pre-defined standards and make necessary changes. This second stage of strategic management supports the mission and objectives of the organization by creating sustainable competitive advantages. The stage is organized into six sections. Some of these sections are; Corporate-Level Strategy, Competitive Strategy, Functional Strategy, Choosing Strategies, and Troublesome Strategies (Rex, n.d.). Each of these sections has got its own methods of formulation. The level of Corporate-level Strategy is concerned with the direction of the company. It provides a channel for the organization to make some changes and improve their growth objectives and achievement. In the second level, Competitive

Monday, February 3, 2020

Should evolution be taught in the public schools Essay - 1

Should evolution be taught in the public schools - Essay Example While both sides have valid arguments, the argument for teaching evolution in public schools clearly trumps, because parents have a right to ensure that their child gets the best education possible, and a failure to instruct on evolutionary theory in the public schools clearly undermines this basic right. The theory of evolution, which states that species have evolved over time, is a theory which must be taught in public schools. Lerner (2000) states that there are good standards for what school children should know about the theory, depending upon the child’s grade. He states that children from grades kindergarten to third grade should understand that living things reproduce, and that the offspring may not be exactly like their parents. They should also understand that a living things must grow up or change before reproducing. Another fact that they must learn is that the earth is over four billion years old. When children are between the ages of nine and twelve, they should be taught about how evolution results in competition and survival between and within species, and the factors that go into species survival, such as environmental, predatory and temperature factors. They should also learn that species adapt to different environments, and that genetic variation results in mutations that may help species adapt to this environment. Also, the theory of natural selection should be understood. When a child is between middle and high school, they should know about such concepts as genetic drift, sexual selection and the complex interactions of ecosystems (Lerner, 2000). Evolutionary theory should be taught, despite the objections of religious individuals who object to the theory being taught, for a variety of reasons. The first set of these reasons address why the theory should be taught, despite the objections of